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We offer a message of unity, love and wisdom, tools for spiritual growth.  You will be tenderly respected in our community of fellow spiritual seekers.
The Inayati Order – Denver and Boulder offers in-depth spiritual training, regular classes, seminars with guest teachers, group or personal retreats, and joyous fun!


Towards the One,
The Perfection of Love, Harmony and Beauty,
The Only Being,
United with all the Illuminated Souls
Who form the Embodiment of the Messenger,
The Spirit of Guidance.

Embodying a universal approach to spiritual growth, the path of Sufism respects all religions, faiths, and traditions.

The Invocation above articulates the goals and values of this path. Teachings are grounded in a rich historical tradition and lineage which continues today with a focus on responding to the needs of our time. The Inayatiyya evolved from an international spiritual tradition which originated in the East and was brought to the West by Hazrat Inayat Khan, the founder of The Inayatiyya. He was given the task by his Sufi teacher to “unite East and West in the harmony of your music”.

The Inayatiyya is open to all seekers

One may be Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, nature lover, or merely a seeker and still resonate deeply with the practical teachings of Sufism. Sufism welcomes members of all races, nations, and beliefs. There are many paths to Truth. Please explore our site for more information about the history of the Inayatiyya and our activities and services. We offer in-depth spiritual trainings and retreats. Our weekly classes offer heart-centered teachings. We welcome your interest and participation.