
The Inner School uses a system of instructions created to present the teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan in an educational framework, making use of lessons, spiritual retreats, and spiritual practices.

The purpose of the Inner School of the The Inayatiyya was recently described by Pir Zia:

to guide and support seekers in their natural inner unfoldment, to progressively realize the potential of the complete human being.  This process culminates in acute resonance with the Spirit of Guidance and conscious participation in the actualization for the Message in service to God and humanity.

A central part of the training is working with a spiritual guide who has been trained and empowered by the Pir,  who gives you specific practices to meet your individual need.  Choosing a guide is important.  Take your time and find a guide with whom you feel comfortable. Within the context of this relationship, the mureed (student) is given a “prescription” of spiritual practices intended to facilitate the emergence of qualities lying dormant beneath the layers of personality and habitual thinking. The goal of the mureed is to identify experientially a source of inner guidance to the realization and fulfillment of his or her unique purpose in life.

The Inayatiyya is not a “guru-centered” school; no one is considered infallible, and guides are discouraged from giving mureeds advice about their lives, focusing instead on the method of contacting inner guidance, or the mureed’s own insight, to deal with his or her problems. Guides are held accountable to a published set of ethical guidelines.

Classes and guides are available through the The Inayatiyya. Please contact us at info@inayatiorderdenverboulder.org for more information.