The Inayati Order – Denver and Boulder maintains a library of a variety of spiritual materials which can be borrowed.


If you wish to check out materials or visit the library, please  contact the librarian, Karima Gebel at or by calling 720-639-3160

 Complete Works

Books by Hazrat Inayat Khan

                The Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan

  • Volume I: The Inner Life. Centennial Edition (2016)
  • Volume II: The Mysticism of Sound/Music/the Power of the Word/Cosmic Language (1976)
  • Volume III: Education/Rasa Shastra/Character Building and the Art of Personality/Moral Culture (1971) (2 copies)
  • Volume III: The Art of Personality (1982)
  • Volume IV: Healing and the Mind World (1982) (2 copies)
  • Volume Volume IV: Mental Purification and Healing (First Indian edition 1989)
  • Volume V: A Sufi Message of Spiritual Liberty/Aqibat, Life After Death/The Phenomenon of the Soul/Love, Human and Divine/Pearls from the Ocean Unseen/Metaphysics (1962)
  • Volume V: The Sufi Message of Spiritual Liberty/Love, Human and Divine/Metaphysics/and other lectures (1973)
  • Volume VI: The Alchemy of Happiness (1973)
  • Volume VII: In an Eastern Rose Garden (1962) (2 copies)
  • Volume VII: In an Eastern Rose Garden (1973)
  • Volume VIII: Sufi Teachings (1963)
  • Volume VIII: Sufi Teachings: The Art of Being (1991)
  • Volume IX: The Unity of Religious Ideals (1963)
  • Volume IX: The Unity of Religious Ideals (1979) (2 copies)
  • Volume X: Sufi Mysticism/The Path of Initiation and Discipleship/Sufi Poetry/Art: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow/The Problem of the Day (1964)
  • Volume Volume X: Sufi Mysticism (First Indian edition 1990)
  • Volume XI: Philosophy, Psychology, Mysticism/Aphorisms (1964)
  • Volume XI: Philosophy, Psychology and Mysticism/Aphorisms (1972)
  • Volume XI: Philosophy, Psychology and Mysticism/Aphorisms (1979)
  • Volume XII: The Vision of God and Man (1982)
  • Volume XIII: The Gathas (First Indian edition 1990)
  • Volume XIII: The Wisdom of Sufism/The Gathas/Questions and Answers/Glossary/Index (2000)
  • Volume XIV: Index to Volumes I-XIII (First Indian edition 1990) (2 copies)
  • The Complete Sayings: Gayan, Vadan, Nirtan/Aphorisms/The Bowl of Saki (1978) (2 copies)
  • The Awakening of the Human Spirit (1982)
  • The Awakening of the Human Spirit (1988)
  • The Awakening of the Human Spirit (1988
  • The Art of Being and Becoming (1994)
  • The Inner Life (1997)
  • The Music of Life (1983)
  • The Soul Whence and Whither (1977)
  • Mastery Through Accomplishment (1978) (3 copies)
  • Spiritual Dimensions of Psychology (1981)
  • Music (1977)
  • The Smiling Forehead (1973)
  • Cosmic Language (1972)
  • Tales (1980)
  • Nature Meditations (2005)

Books by Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan

  • The Message in our Time (1978) (2 copies)
  • Introducing Spirituality into Counseling and Therapy (1982)
  • Sufi Masters (1971)
  • Awakening (1999)

Books by Noor Inayat Khan

  • Twenty Jataka Tales (1975)

Books by Pir Zia Inayat Khan

  • A Pearl in Wine/Life, Music and Sufism of Hazrat Inayat Khan (2001)

Books by Samuel L. Lewis

  • In the Garden (1975)
  • Introduction to Spiritual Brotherhood (1981)
  • Talks of an American Sufi (1981) (2 copies)

Books by Other Authors

  • Al-Jilani, Hadrat ‘Abdull-Qadir, The Secret of Secrets (1992) (2 copies)
  • Attar, Farid al-Din, Episodes from the Tadhkirat al-Auliya’ (Memorial of the Saints)(1983)
  • Attar, Farid ud-Din, The Conference of the Birds (1954)
  • Frager, Robert, Heart, Self & Soul (1999)
  • Burke, O.M., Among the Dervishes (1973)
  • Gibran, Kahlil, The Prophet (1951)

  • Helminski, Camille Adams, Women of Sufism (2003)

  • Hixon, Lex, Heart of the Koran (1995)

  • Jesus Christ, The Story of My Life (1999)

  • Songs of Kabir, trans. Rabindranath Tagore (1974)

  • Kopp, Jane, Your Mind is Like The Sky (2007)

  • le Mair, Henriette Willebeek, The Flower Garden of Inayat Khan (illlustrated) (1978)

  • Mernissi, Fatima, The Veil and the Male Elite (1987)

  • Rinpoche, Sogyal, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying (1992)

  • Rumi, Jelaluddin (Helminski trans.) The Ruins of the Heart (1981)

  • Rumi (Coleman Barks trans.) The Essential Rumi (1997)

  • Rumi, Jalal al-din (A.J. Arberry trans.), Mystical Poems of Rumi (1968)

  • Rumi, Jalalu’d-din, (Davis, ed.) The Life and Work of Jalalu’d-Din Rumi (1977)

  • Rumi, Jalal al-Din (William C. Chittick, ed.) The Sufi Path of Love/the Spiritual Teachings of Rumi (1983)

  • Saionji, Masami, The Golden Key to Happiness (1995)

  • Shah, Idries, Learning How to Learn/Psychology and Spirituality in the Sufi Way (1981)

  • Shah, Idries, Special Illumination/The Sufi Use of Humor (1977)

  • Shah, Idries, Tales of the Dervishes (1970)

  • Sufism, William C. Chittick (2000)

  • Stam, K.D., Rays (1927)

  • Essential Sufism, (Fadiman and Frager, eds.) (1997) (2 copies)

  • The Shambala Guide to Sufism, Carl W. Ernst (1997)

  • Tweedie, Irina, The Chasm of Fire (1993)

  • Van Stolk, Sirkar, Memories of a Sufi Sage (1975)


  • 30 Years of Cooking with Love/Recipes from the Abode of the Message (2005)
  • Purcell, Rabia Joyce, The Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan (Universal Worship) (1985)

The Message magazine:

  • 1979: June
  • 1980: January-July, October, December
  • 1981: complete
  • 1982: January-October
  • 1983: complete
  • 1984: complete
  • 1985: complete
  • 1986: January-June, September-December
  • 1987: Winter, spring, summer

The Universel magazine:

  • 1986: Fall
  • 1987: Summer, Fall (2 copies
  • The Sufi Order booklet 1979 (2 copies)
  • Healing in Our Time magazine:
  • 1981: Spring/Summer
  • 1982:
  • Parabola magazine: Friendship, winter 2004 

CD’s and DVD’s

  • Tools of Awakening with Himayat Inayati, October 15-17, 2004, Denver, CO (10 CD’s)
  • The Seven Leading Names with Pir Zia Inayat Khan, 2004 (7 CD’s)
  • The Raphaelite Work with Himayat Inayati, 2003 (1 CD)
  • Seven Leading Names Ya Qadir class with Hakima, May 18, 2004 (1 CD)
  • Chistiyya Lineage as Told by Pir Zia Inayat Khan, 2001 (4 CDs)
  • A Retreat with Pir Zia Inayat Khan, July 11-13, 2011 (7 CDs)
  • The Five Elements with Pir Zia Inayat Khan, Vol. V (3 CDs: Meditation on Fire, Air & Ether; Introduction to the Elements; Sufi View of the Elements) (2002)


  • Bismillah and Friends- My Longing for Thee (2004)