India a 037

General Information

            The Inayatiyya  

           Pir Zia Inayat-Khan  

Sufi Order Concentrations

The Esoteric School

            Suluk Academy

The Healing Activity

            Inayatiyya Healing Activity of North America

The Universal Worship

            Universal Worship       Cherag Training       Cherag Library

Kinship Activity

            Kinship Activity of The Inayatiyya


           Ziraat Concentration of North America  

Knighthood of Purity

           Knighthood Activity 


           Music Activity 

Sufi Order Centers

           The Inayatiyya Centers – World Wide

           The Abode of the Message          

           Rising Tide International  

Hazrati Orders

            The Inayatiyya                   

            The International Sufi Movement          

            Sufi Ruhaniat International

           The Sufi Way          

            The Inayati-Maimuni Order  

Local Links of Interest

            Althea Center for Engaged Spirituality          

            Colorado Dances of Universal Peace          

            Naropa Institute 

            Oxherds Contemplative Group     

            Shambhala Mountain Center          

            Shiva Sai Mandir   

Digital and Print Media               

            Suluk Press          

            Daily Bowl of Saki          

            Living from the Heart                            

            Sacred Music Radio          

            Universel: A Course in Meditation          

            Way of the Heart documentary          

            Trailer for “Enemy of the Reich: The Noor Inayat Khan Story

            Sufi Heart Echoes – readings and recordings

Other Links of Interest

            Hope Project          

            Dances of Universal Peace International          

            Institute for Applied Mediation on the Heart          

            Nur Ashki Jerrahi Sufi Order          

            The Gabrielite Work  

European Summer Camp

            Zenith Institute  

Social Media

           Pir Zia on Facebook          

           Abode of the Message on Facebook