
To learn more about the Sufi path as taught by the teachers of our lineage, consider the following titles. Some books are available from Suluk Press Some are available on Amazon  and even available as Kindle books. Some books may be out of print, but can often be found via

Caravan of Souls: An Introduction to the Sufi Path of Hazrat Inayat Khan.
Pir Zia Inayat Khan
A guidebook to the Sufi path of Hazrat Inayat Khan. The essential teachings and methods of the Movement he founded, as well as an inspiring array of sayings, poems, songs, prayers, stories, and biographical portraits.
Suluk Press 2023.

Complete Works of Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan
Ed. Sharif Graham and Qahira Wirgman
Authentic versions of all known talks given by Inayat Khan from 1922 through 1926 in 14 volumes. He traveled extensively in Europe and the United States giving lectures that were later compiled in the Sufi Message volumes and teachings reserved for initiates in unpublished papers.
available from Suluk Press.

The Heart of Sufism: Essential Writings of Hazrat Inayat Khan
Ed. H.J. Witteveen
Hazrat Inayat Khan was the first teacher to bring Sufism to the Western world. This representative collection of the master's teachings is the perfect book for anyone intrigued by his writings but unsure about where to start in his sixteen-volume collected works.
Shambhala Publications, Inc. 1999.
The Sufi Message of Inayat Khan
Volumes I through XIII available in various versions, including those published for the International Headquarters of the Sufi Movement, Geneva.
Volumes I through IV available in original versions from Suluk Press. This material, his collected lectures, is newly presented in a form that balances fidelity to his original words with sensitivity to the contemporary evolution of the English language.
A Pearl in Wine, Essays on the Life, Music and Sufism of Hazrat Inayat Khan
Ed. Pir Zia Inayat Khan
A major retrospective on the life and career of Hazrat Inayat Khan who introduced Sufism to the West. Twelve contributors portray Inayat Khan’s family life, musical career, and profound spiritual message, while some provide memoirs tracing the effect of his teaching.
Suluk Press 2001.

Immortality: A Travelers Guide
Pir Zia Inayat Khan
Comprised of 180 selections of Hazrat Inayat Khan’s teachings from The Soul Whence and Whither, accompanied by Pir Zia Inayat Khan’s commentary and contemplative practices related to each theme.
Suluk Press 2023.
Mingled Waters: Sufism and the Mystical Unity of Religions
Pir Zia Inayat Khan
Drawing on prophetic revelations, classical Sufi sayings, traditional stories, and Eastern verses, this book examines the inner teachings of Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam from the perspective of Sufi gnosis.
Suluk Press 2017.
Saracen Chivalry, Counsels on Valor, Generosity and the Mystical Quest
Pir Zia Inayat Khan
Queen Belacane is dying. As a last act, she inscribes a book of counsels to guide her newborn son on his life’s path. They illuminate the way of futuwwa, a tradition of mystical chivalry traced to the Prophet Abraham. The counsels uphold the universal virtues of wisdom, courage, temperance, and generosity.
Suluk Press 2012.

Spy Princess, The Life of Noor Inayat Khan
Shrabani Basi
The riveting story of Noor Inayat Khan who became a British secret agent for SOE during World War II. Shrabani Basu tells the moving story of Noor’s life, from her birth in Moscow – where her father was a Sufi preacher – to her capture by the Germans. Noor was one of only three awarded the George Cross. Under torture, she revealed nothing. Noor was starved and beaten but the Germans could not break her spirit. Ten months after she was captured, she was taken to Dachau concentration camp and, on 13 September 1944, she was shot. Her last word was ‘Liberté.’
Sutton 2008.

Noor-un-Nisa Inayat Khan, Madeline
Jean Overton Fuller
The story of the life of Noor Inayat Khan, eldest child of Inayat Khan and WWII hero. This new edition includes previously unpublished material: a retrospective by Noor's brother Vilayat Inayat Khan, Noor's friendship with the author, and further research on Noor's life and the SOE.
Suluk Press 2019.
King Akbar's Daughter; Stories for Everyone as Told by Noor Inayat Khan
Noor Inayat Khan
Previously unpublished stories are presented in new English translations alongside original French language versions and Noor's known English renditions. Some are Noor’s own creations while others are traditional myths, fables and legends retold and embroidered with unique twists to best serve her purpose of teaching and inspiring chivalry, compassion, love, hope and wisdom.
Suluk Press 2013.

We Rubies Four, The Memoirs of Claire Ray Harper
Claire Ray Harper and David Ray Harper
Claire Ray Harper was Inayat Khan’s youngest child and her memoirs describe the family’s life before and after the death of Inayat Khan.
Suluk Press 2011.
Gayan, Vadan, Nirtan
Hazrat Inayat Khan
This pocket size volume of aphorisms is a glimpse into the alchemy of Sufism. Sometimes exalted, sometimes didactic, sometimes dryly humorous, sometimes intensely personal and poignant, the Gayan, Vadan, Nirtan is a kaleidoscopic look into the heart of Sufi master Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan.
Suluk Press 2015.
Ecstasy Beyond Knowing: A Manual of Meditation
Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan
The distilled wisdom of a long lifetime of spiritual seeking and experiences, from dialogues and deep friendships with other mystics and spiritual teachers, and explorations into the nature of reality with scientists and philosophers. Meditation techniques are explained in detail along with the principles behind them, including practices with breath, light, energy, sound and mantram, inspired visualizations, and the Sufi zikr.
Suluk Press 2014.

Life is a Pilgrimage
Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan
In these pages Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan offers spiritual guidance and insight on world affairs, meditation and everyday life, science and faith, psychology and addiction, freedom and creativity, mastery and service, leadership, and death and resurrection.
Suluk Press 2011.
Universal Meditations, Recipes for a Peaceful Mind
David Less
Meditation is the practice of emptying the thinking element of the mind. Most people equate the thinking element with the whole mind, but it is only one part of the mind. When we quiet this aspect of the mind, we create a space for a higher consciousness to come through. In clear and direct ways, this book offers guidance, instruction and inspiration for those who wish to learn meditation and for practitioners of meditation who are ready to deepen their practice.
hooh press, available on Amazon.

Root Speaks to Bud; Fulfilling the Purpose of Life
W.H.S. Gebel
Discovering one’s unique purpose in life unfolds step by step through levels of intuition, while building trust and faith in one’s own inner realization and guidance. A personal awakening in inner truth, happiness and peace comes with the knowledge that the fulfillment of one’s individual purpose contributes to fulfilling the purpose of the whole of Creation.
Suluk Press 2015.
Nature's Hidden Dimension, Envisioning the Inner Life of the Universe
W.H.S. Gebel
The rigorous study and discipline of a scientist is not for everyone but we can all enjoy the fruits of scientific research. The rigorous training and discipline of the mystic is also not for everyone, but we can enjoy the fruits of inner realizations and revelation from the great mystics. An understanding and appreciation of the inner life of the universe can offer an integration of the scientific story of the outer life with the insight of mystics, offering hope that they can coexist in mutual respect and harmony, and that each can enrich the other.
Suluk Press 2018.

Jewels in the Net of the Gods
Lorell Frysh
The intriguing stories of two souls and two intertwined destinies. A Tibetan Buddhist Monk is traveling to meet a Druze Sheik in the hills of the Galilee to discuss their common interest in reincarnation. A young Jewish woman on a dedicated spiritual quest, is drawn into an ancient monastery in East Jerusalem where she is awash with memories, of this life and, surprisingly, past lives. Their journey transcends time and space and takes one on a wondrous adventure. In the process we discover the heartwarming wisdom of our own inner journey!
2016, available on Amazon.
Physicians of the Heart
Wali Ali Meyer, Bilal Hyde, Faisal Muqaddam, Pir Shabda Khan
This book takes the reader into the heart of the mystery of the 99 sacred Names of Allah. It is a vehicle for understanding the infinite nature of God, and for discovering the divine potential in every soul. It is also a guidebook for progressing through the stages of the spiritual path and an instruction manual for teachers on how to work with students more wisely, as physicians of the heart.
Sufi Ruhaniat International 2011.
Illumination: The Saga of a Spiritual Master
Mikhail Horowitz
The story of the great Sufi Master Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan. A unique record of the master’s story and thoughts as well as many little-known facts about his life. It contains dozens of photographs and quotations never before released. Mikhail accompanied Pir Vilayat on many of his trips around the world. In these pages we share the master’s doubts and dreams, failures and triumphs.
Available on Amazon.
Sufi Meditation and Contemplation; Timeless Wisdom from Mughal India
Edited by Scott Kugle and translated by Scott Kugle with Carl Ernst
Fresh translations of three classic Sufi texts which elucidate meditation practices and the resulting effects. All three from the Mughal era in India, which witnessed a flowering of Sufism in innovative personalities, diverse mystical orders and bold literary expressions.
Suluk Press 2012.