The Inayati Order – Denver and Boulder appreciates your support!


We cannot exist without your generosity, and your donations will help us continue to offer a wide range of classes, events, retreats, and to continue our support of The Inayatiyya, based in Richmond, Virginia. It is the financial support of individuals that enables the Center to fulfill its wider purpose. There are no salaried positions and all funds are used to support events, to pay for any meeting and retreat facilities, to host guest teachers, to pay communication and website expenses and to develop a scholarship fund. We invite you to share in the sacred task of helping to keep the various functions of The Inayati Order – Denver and Boulder vibrant by making a one-time or recurring donation via PayPal or by check.  SEE GREEN DONATE BUTTON AT TOP RIGHT OF PAGE. The Inayati Order – Denver and Boulder is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and your donations are fully tax deductible.

 The whole world’s treasure is too small a price for a word that kindles the soul.

– Hazrat Inayat Khan

If you need to contact us about making a donation, please email us at:

To donate by mail send checks to The Inayati Order – Denver and Boulder, 78 Benthaven Place, Boulder CO 80305

Annual donation letters will be sent as per IRS guidelines for tax purposes. Thank you. Your continued support matters.