
Let my heart bloom in Thy love as the rose. 

Fill my heart with Thy divine beauty…

Hazrat Inayat Khan

The Mission of The Inayatiyya

To spread the Message of Unity and promote the awakening of humanity to the divinity in all, as taught by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan, Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan and Pir Zia Inayat Khan.

To provide a program of spiritual training to bring about deep personal transformation culminating in a balanced, harmonious, and creative life by developing a central school and local training centers around the country; by offering guided group and individual retreats; and by training spiritual guides capable of giving authentic training about the inner life and the integration of spiritual realization into every-day life.

To encourage and support as part of our training, new ways of integrating our ideals of love, harmony, and beauty into all aspects of every-day life including professional, personal, social, political, and religious life.

To serve God and humanity by helping to relieve suffering through promoting service among our members and sponsoring service projects; by promoting understanding and goodwill among adherents of various faiths through Universal Worship services; participation in as well as sponsoring of inter-religious conferences and celebrations; and by encouraging the unfoldment of universal loving kinship by spreading the Message of Unity and the recognition of divinity in every living being.