Sufi Teachings w/ Pir Zia Inayat-Khan (Zoom Webcast)

Online Zoom Online, Denver, co, us

Offered every Sunday with some exceptionsat 3 pm – 5 pm EDT (1 pm start MDT) Online via Zoom will find The Inayati Order at Astana and Pir Zia’s online schedule for the spring at

Sufi Teachings w/ Pir Zia Inayat-Khan (Zoom Webcast)

Online Zoom Online, Denver, co, us

Offered every Sunday with some exceptionsat 3 pm – 5 pm EDT (1 pm start MDT) Online via Zoom will find The Inayati Order at Astana and Pir Zia’s online schedule for the spring at

Sufi Teachings w/ Pir Zia Inayat-Khan (Zoom Webcast)

Online Zoom Online, Denver, co, us

Offered every Sunday with some exceptionsat 3 pm – 5 pm EDT (1 pm start MDT) Online via Zoom will find The Inayati Order at Astana and Pir Zia’s online schedule for the spring at

Zoom Denver Boulder Class – Zakir Henson

Each year, at certain times, we all notice and anticipate the changes in the air. Each equinox is one of those times. It is then that we grasp our interconnection not only with all those experiencing the shift, but with nature herself. We, as people watch nature tell us that it is the time of […]

Sufi Suluk Class with Alia – Denver Inayati Order via Zoom

Suluk for Centers classes, taught by senior teacher, Alia, will be starting a new module in April on Thursday, April 15. The classes focus on different topics and this module will focus on Adab/Art of Personality. Beginning April 15, the group will be opening to any interested initiates of any Inayati Order. New group members […]

Zoom Denver Boulder Class – Wahhab Sheets

The Role of Desire in Spiritual Transformation: A Sufi Perspective Religious traditions in the East and in the West have often portrayed desire as a sin or as an obstacle to spiritual growth that must be suppressed or transcended. However, in the words of Pir Zia:  From a Sufi perspective, the whole universe is a […]